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Letter from Iva, May 27, 2009

Dear Friends,

This time exactly a year ago, an unknown 24-year old young man in Italy got a frantic phone call from a hospital in the United States. Back in January he had donated some of his own stem cells to a young woman in Boston, whose own bone marrow wasn't working properly and whose only hope was a highly-risky bone marrow transplant at Dana-Farber. Now, the phone call was telling him that the transplant hadn't been successful and that more of his stem cells were needed. Would he agree to donate again?

Because this magnanimous stranger said "yes", this May I am celebrating the one-year anniversary of my second stem cell infusion, which brought me back to life. This journey back to life would not have been possible without your generous support, which sustained me through the long and difficult recovery process.

A heart-felt Thank You!


Letter from Iva, May 2008

Hello Friends,

I am writing to you with a request for help!

My name is Iva Tsekova and I come from Plovdiv, Bulgaria. While a student at the Plovdiv English Language High School in 1998, I was a finalist at the National Competition for Study Abroad organized by St. Cyril & St. Methodius Foundation. I won a full scholarship to finish my high school education at the United World College of the Adriatic (UWCAd) in Italy, where I graduated with an IB (International Baccalaureate) diploma with highest honors. Following UWCAd, I attended Harvard University, having won a full scholarship again.

It was then and there that my fortune took a turn. I was diagnosed with a pre-leukemic condition, which worsened dramatically in 2007. My doctors told me that my only chance was a bone marrow transplant. Since at that time I was working as a Business Analyst at Fidelity Investments, I could count on my good insurance plan through work in terms of the procedure costs. As it was, it did cover the donor search, the transplant infusion, and the one-month hospital stay (Jan - Feb 2008).

My mother, who is a doctor back in Bulgaria, is constantly around me. She had to take a risky leave of absence from her job this year so that she could support and care for me.

Unfortunately, it turned out that the expected cell growth did not occur and my doctor declared the initial transplant unsatisfactory. I became dependent on weekly blood transfusions. In May 2008, I had a second stem cell infusion-booster from the same donor.

The road of recovery is slow and difficult, and much patience and hope are needed. The reality is that money is needed as well. Any financial assistance would be of enormous help to me at this time. It will help cover the expensive medication co-pays, the weekly physical therapy sessions, healthy food and transport expenses.

Since photography is my hobby, I would also like to invite you to donate by purchasing one of my photos dedicated to the symbols of Bulgaria. Each photo ($50) is framed and sized at 11x14 inches. You can view my photoalbum at:   

OR you can donate as much as you can, every dollar counts:

My expenses per month are around $850, for medication, healthy food, physiotherapy and transportation

Your donations by check can be sent to:

Ivelina Tsekova
352 Washington Street, apt. 2
Cambridge, MA 02139

I thank from the bottom of my heart to anyone who takes the time to read my appeal and to help!

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give away"

Sincerely yours,

Iva Tsekova
E-mail: iva@post.harvard.edu




Todor Ialamov

Vasil Nenkov

David Flashenberg
